You should never have to pay for any financial aid information. You should not have to pay to fill out applications dealing with financial aid or scholarship (there are very few exceptions). Please contact us if you have any questions about financial aid.

Please click the link below to access a “how-to guide” to FAFSA. You will also find the appropriate links to the FAFSA application (

The best place to find up-to-date local scholarship information is on your CANVAS ACCOUNT. If you are a senior, you will have access to a Scholarship Course that will have all the listings of local scholarships with as up-to-date information as possible. Other places to consider looking for scholarships, besides you prospective college, would be:
Places of Employment (self or parents)
Community Groups/Local Organizations
Churches/religious affiliations
Credit Unions/Banks (members)
Scholarship deadlines change from year to year. We update information as it becomes available.