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Do you need help with your classes?
If you are struggling in your classes, our first recommendation is to contact your teacher directly, as they are your best source of help for particular classes. Teachers are here by 7:ooAM and stay until at least 2:3oPM, if not later. However, we can also find you help in other ways. Please see below:
Use RTI Scheduler to sign up for Support Time sessions daily!! Use this for just getting your work done in school or use it if you have questions or if you are feeling behind. Take advantage of this 20+ minutes of concentrated time to get help or get ahead!! You need to schedule yourself into these sessions with teachers or your counselor. If you need assistance getting signed up, come see your counselor or ask any of your teachers!
PRO TIP: Make sure to login through the Microsoft logo icon and use Advisory to get signed up!
Friday Academic Support Time is every Friday in our Library from 7:30-8:30am. National Honor Society Students and other adults are available while teachers are in professional development to help students who are struggling or need some extra time for studies. Sign up to attend in the Assistant Principal's Office or contact Mrs. Brokus at 563.552.5504
Students who have shown proficiency in a certain subject areas might be available to tutor before or after school or during their free period. Contact us to see if we can connect you.
This is a service provided through Carnegie Stout that provides 1 on 1 live tutoring from 2pm-11pm. They work with the kids on their own specific homework!! More information for how to create accounts is on the library webpage.
(this can be found on the Senior webpage under the student tab and the library website)

Help for Your Life
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